18 mag 2020

Hacktronian: All In One Hacking Tools Installer For Linux And Android

Hacktronian Installation
   Termux users must install Python and Git first: pkg install git python
   Then enter these commands:
   You can watch the full installation tutorial here:

Hacktronian Menu:
  • Information Gathering
  • Password Attacks
  • Wireless Testing
  • Exploitation Tools
  • Sniffing & Spoofing
  • Web Hacking
  • Private Web Hacking
  • Post Exploitation
  • Install The HACKTRONIAN
Information Gathering menu:
Password Attacks menu:
Wireless Testing menu:
Exploitation Tools menu:
  • SQLMap
  • Shellnoob
  • commix
  • FTP Auto Bypass
  • jboss-autopwn
Sniffing and Spoofing menu:
Web Hacking menu:
  • Drupal Hacking
  • Inurlbr
  • Wordpress & Joomla Scanner
  • Gravity Form Scanner
  • File Upload Checker
  • Wordpress Exploit Scanner
  • Wordpress Plugins Scanner
  • Shell and Directory Finder
  • Joomla! 1.5 - 3.4.5 remote code execution
  • Vbulletin 5.X remote code execution
  • BruteX - Automatically brute force all services running on a target
  • Arachni - Web Application Security Scanner Framework
Private Web Hacking:
  • Get all websites
  • Get joomla websites
  • Get wordpress websites
  • Control Panel Finder
  • Zip Files Finder
  • Upload File Finder
  • Get server users
  • SQli Scanner
  • Ports Scan (range of ports)
  • ports Scan (common ports)
  • Get server Info
  • Bypass Cloudflare
Post Exploitation:
  • Shell Checker
  • POET
  • Weeman
Hacktronian's License: MIT Licence

That's It... If You Like This Repo. Please Share This With Your Friends. And Don't Forget To Follow The Author At Twitter, Instagram, Github & SUBSCRIBE His YouTube Channel!!!

Thank you. Keep Visiting.. Enjoy.!!! :)

Related links
  1. Hacking Tutorials
  2. Computer Hacking
  3. Libros Hacking Pdf
  4. Hacking Web Sql Injection Pdf
  5. 101 Hacking
  6. Rom Hacking Pokemon
  7. Etica Definicion
  8. Que Hace Un Hacker
  9. Que Estudia Un Hacker
  10. Sdr Hacking
  11. Hacking Raspberry Pi
  12. Clases De Hacker

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