25 feb 2020

A Close Race!

What's going on everyone!?

Today for the #2019gameaday challenge my dear ol' dad and I played a game of Ticket to Ride. 

It was a very close game and surprisingly I came away with the win somehow! 

As usual, it was a good game and he sure doesn't make it easy, lol.

As always, thank you for reading and don't forget to stop and smell the meeples! :)


21 feb 2020

Aliens Vs. Predator Free Download

Aliens Vs. Predator - is a first-person shooter video game developed by Rebellion Developments, the team behind the 1999 original Microsoft Windows game and published by Sega for Microsoft Windows and many more.

Bringing the legendary war between two of science-fiction's most popular characters to FPS fans, AvP delivers three outstanding single player campaigns and provides untold hours of unique 3-way multiplayer gaming. Experience distinctly new and thrilling first person gameplay as you survive, hunt and prey in the deadly jungles and the swamps surrounding the damned colony of Freya's Prospect and as the Marine, you'll experience a claustrophobic and terrifying experience where light is your friend but there's never enough.

In this video game, you'll experience a terrifying Experience & where light is your friend but there's never enough.
Play all sides off against each other, in a series of Unique 3-way Online Modes and go tooth-to-claw-to-pulse rifle.
United States Marine Corps are humanity's last line of defense. They are armed to the teeth with latest weaponry.
• Players will stalk from the shadows and above, passing athletically through the treetops to ambush the Predators.
Inclu Most Deadly Species in the Universe, the Alien offers you the chance to play as the very stuff of nightmares.

Game is updated to latest version

Included Content

▪ Aliens Vs. Predator - Swarm Map Pack Downloadable Content
▪ Aliens Vs. Predator - Bughunt Map Pack Downloadable Content


♢ Click or choose only one button below to download this game.
♢ View detailed instructions for downloading and installing the game here.
♢ Use 7-Zip to extract RAR, ZIP and ISO files. Install PowerISO to mount ISO files.

Unlock with password: pcgamesrealm

➤ Download the game by clicking on the button link provided above.
➤ Download the game on the host site and turn off your Antivirus or Windows Defender to avoid errors.
➤ Once the download has been finished or completed, locate or go to that file.
➤ To open .iso file, use PowerISO and run the setup as admin then install the game on your PC.
➤ Once the installation process is complete, run the game's exe as admin and you can now play the game.
➤ Congratulations! You can now play this game for free on your PC.
➤ Note: If you like this video game, please buy it and support the developers of this game.
Temporarily disable your Antivirus or Windows Defender to avoid file corruption & false positive detections.

(Your PC must at least have the equivalent or higher specs in order to run this game.)
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 | Windows 8.1 | Windows 8 | Windows 7
Processor: 3.4 GHz Intel Pentium 4 or any faster processor for better gaming experience
Memory: at least 2GB System RAM
Hard Disk Space: 16GB free HDD Space
Video Card: NVIDIA 7900 or better, ATI X1800 with 128MB VRAM or better graphics
Supported Language: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Czech, and Polish language are available.
If you have any questions or encountered broken links, please do not hesitate to comment below. :D

Making Monsters Different - An Example Of Invisibility

Different invisibility/blinking mechanic that I've used, instead of just a modifier to hit roll

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons presents a great many monsters who can have some really cool effects, but at the end, a lot of those effects get folded into simple "reduce to-hit by x" and it's done. Players know that the creature will be harder to hit, but that's it...

What if we made took this idea of an invisible/shadowy monster that's hard to hit, but rewards players who use tactics to overcome it's special ability?

In simple, what I'm proposing is doing away with the straight -4 penalty for hitting invisible/shadowy figures. Creatures get two ACs - one when they're "invisible" and the second when their location has been pinpointed. Let's take a shadow as our example - they'll have AC2 when invisible, AC7 when PCs know where it's at.

At first, invisibility is just that, it can't be seen. In the case of the shadow, depending on light, I might rule, depending on what players are doing, that they catch glimpses of "something wrong" in the direction they're looking, if they're looking at the shadow. Or they catch glimpses of movement, but nothing is there.

So the PCs would be groping around and striking out. As the DM, I'm keeping track of where the creature is at. I will let the PCs roll to hit, but for those that aren't within melee range of the creature, they "miss" and will do so automatically, but I don't tell them any different. Just that they missed.

For PCs that are within melee range, they are rolling to hit against the harder AC, so in this case vs. AC2 for the shadow. They hit!

Now the PCs have an idea of where this thing is. As long as the PCs are within melee range of the creature, it can be pinpointed and it's AC drops down to 7. So life is good, right? Well, not necessarily.

Let's say all the PCs miss in combat - I'm going to rule that they've no longer pinpointed the creature and now its AC is back up to AC2! It's managed to avoid being hit and seen, so it has a chance to slip away again! At this point, since they've not pinpointed it, it could even flee without penalty, though the PCs could hit vs. AC2.

So why would I do this? To me, an approach like this makes fighting an invisible creature more interactive, more mysterious and potentially more exciting. Rather than a boring -4 to hit, this allows the PCs to use circling and trapping tactics. If the PCs did circle the creature while it was pinpointed, then I would not allow it to slip away. It might go back to the AC2, but it's surrounded - nowhere to run!

This also requires a bit more interactivity with the players. They can just attack the darkness, but I as DM know where this thing is. If they're within melee range, I describe an effect (shifting shadows, distortions in the light) that lefts them know they're close. Attacking blindly? Not seeing the effect.

Once they hit, then they see blood/wounds/effects which allows them and others to hit better. The creature is obviously trying to get back to being hidden! So... if everyone misses that round, they're not able to see it as well, and next round it may slip away!

These are the kinds of small things I like to add to make the game more interesting. The players don't need to know the mechanics in shifts in AC (unless they ask), but they do see the effects. I find doing things like this makes monsters... mysterious. Unpredictable.

I've also earned the players' trust that I'm fair and always give them a path to success while also giving them an obstacle to overcome. Tactics helps with this type of monster (one person hits, rest form a kill box. Now it's trapped....)

Also, I'm using Descending AC, but you can modify Ascending AC in similar fashion, going from hard to hit, to easy to hit, once the creature is pinpointed.

What do you think? Do you use certain effects and different takes on mechanics to achieve an effect that makes the monsters more interesting?

20 feb 2020


You can go one of two routes for a movie tie-in. You could spend time developing a decent game, perhaps sacrificing the release date to make it so (GoldenEye, Alien Resurrection) or you can make any old guffins just to cash in on the brand name (Batman & Robin, Frank Herbert's Dune). Developed by Konami, The Mummy (2000, Universal Interactive Studios) falls somewhere between the two.

Read more »

Grav-StuG Kickstarter (January 2019)

Grav-StuG Kickstarter 

I am pleased to announce the Grav-StuG, a plastic model kit, will be coming to Kickstarter January 2019!

More details to come.....

Dreamforge will be kickstarting several new kits in the coming year.
Each new product offering will be very focused, a single product, its actual production costs and any profits expected will need to be folded into the overall funding goal. This is a strong departure from the retail model, where revenues are gained over time and the investment/debt is front loaded.
Product availability outside the initial Kickstarter.
Product availability outside of Kickstarter will be limited, only 100-300 units beyond the total needed to fulfill the Kickstarter will be run for post Kickstarter inventory, some of that will be soaked up by the inevitable issues, damaged kits, mispacked or missing items from a kit and kits that never make it to the backer and were lost in transit.
There may be re-runs offered on popular kits in future Kickstarter's, but there will be minimums that need to be met, typically a 500-unit run will be needed. The best way for a customer to approach this is to buy what you want and what you think you will need at the time of the offering, I cannot make a promise that there will be a second run if the overall interest is not there.
Kickstarter Shipping.
Customers will need to pay for the actual shipping costs for the products they back. Shipping, as we all know is very expensive from the US to anywhere outside its borders. Each Kickstarter will be shipped directly from China to mitigate the expense to the customer as much as possible, this means most of the world will likely see a drastic cost reduction, but the US will experience a small increase. Why don't I just ship the US backers from the US? Because it's a hidden cost, shipping to the US, warehouse staff and other costs would need to be calculated into the Kickstarter and would increase the price once the true costs are factored in.
How are the Kickstarter's structured?
Each Kickstarter will absorb the costs and required profits into a 1000 minimum unit run. If it costs $40,000 for the molds, production, boxes and other service costs, then the cost of each unit would be $40.00.

What happens if a Kickstarter success outstrips the required funding goal?
Do you get a discount? Discounts will be offered when you pick up multiple kits, not by the overall success of a product or campaign. Those are profits that get re-invested to make DreamForge healthy, to pay for additional stock, to help pay for re-release of the current line of kits, as those tools will need to be re-cut at some point.
How will the Kickstarter's differ from other typical campaigns?
To be clear, this is not going to be a song and dance Kickstarter model, there may be extras offered if there is room on the sprues, but anything extra in the form of products adds to the costs and I will not be bulking the costs to deal with that. I am trying to keep the price per kit to you as low as I possibly can.
Most of our campaigns will be short, ten to fifteen days with as much warning as I can provide about an upcoming campaign. I will be active during the campaign, answering questions, taking feedback and interacting with my customers but by the time the project launches, the current product will be locked in and not subject to revision or design changes.
The conversations I have with my customers before a campaign will allow us to develop products together and help deliver the kinds of items you would like to see.

Scale in millimeters:

Anthem | Preview, Release Date, Gameplay, News, & More...

anthem gameplay, anthem ps4, anthem review, anthem bioware, anthem ea, anthem game

Anthem | Preview, Release date, Gameplay, News, & more...

Anthem is the following huge IP from Bioware, the makers of the Mass Effect and Dragon Age series. First revealed at E3 2017, the epic science fiction RPG expects to unite single-player, multiplayer, shooting, and RPG components in a comparative vein to Bungie's Destiny franchise — yet from a third-individual point of view. 
Pro-GamersArena has compiled everything you need to know about the upcoming BioWare's 'Anthem' including all the latest news, release date, gameplay and more...

Quick Facts:

  • Initial release date: 22 February 2019
  • Developer: BioWare
  • Engine: Frostbite 3
  • Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows.

Anthem: Releasing On 22 February 2019.

Anthem has officially been deferred to 2019 to prepare for Battlefield 5 in October 2018. The upcoming RPG will now release for PS4, Xbox One and PC on February 22nd, 2019, or, in other words previously the March 2019 release date EA proposed the game would have in a recent earnings report.

Anthem: What is it about?

Anthem's story includes antiquated mythical Gods and a wellspring of fantastic power called the Anthem. What that really is indistinct yet was utilized by the long-missing Gods (aliens?) to make the planet the game happens on, however then left or vanished before it was done. Quick forward to the future and the Anthem's as yet dynamic, making, transforming and defiling life and by and large botching up the planet. You play the job of a Freelancer; a courageous gathering that goes about as humankind's watchmen and scouts past the divider in Iron Man-like suits of reinforcement, known as Javelins.

Anthem: Gameplay Impression

Any individual who's come into contact with Anthem has had their socks knocked off. Each trailer and gameplay exhibit has been unimaginably great. 

Our principle takes a gander at Anthem gameplay so far originates from the first E3 uncover. You can watch that above, however, the fundamental take away is that it's a community science fiction shooter where up to four players play the job of 'Freelancers,' utilizing profoundly upgradable and customizable "Javelin" exosuits to investigate an alien world. Anthem gameplay hopes to take a great deal of prompts from Destiny, with its attention on overcoming adversaries and taking missions to discover better rigging to get to better missions to show signs of improvement adapt... and so on.

Anthem: Javelin Classes?

Your decision of Javelin exosuit will characterize your Anthem diversion class. There are four composes which, from left to up there, are known as the Ranger, Colossus, Storm and Interceptor. You can swap unreservedly between any you may have, and a decent group is tied in with adjusting their capacities.

Ranger - Described by Bioware as "the everyman's Javelin'. This is fundamentally the default suit prescribed for when you don't generally recognize what you're going up against. It has "a pleasant parity", as per amusement chief Jon Warner: "it is very brave, some great capability, it has a fascinating scuffle strike. It's a decent all-rounder." 

Colossus - Unsurprisingly this is a tank alternative, with a substantial shield, rather than an avoid, that can assimilate a lot of harm. It additionally has an unbelievable level mortar which makes it great at ran harm, and there's a railgun too. 

Interceptor - This is as yet one suit we don't have the foggiest idea about that much about. It's quick and softly defensively covered with "ground-breaking cutting edges and a full suite of pulverizing capacities" that clearly implies it "exceeds expectations at getting in near perpetrate harm and debilitate its adversaries, at that point dashing without end before they can respond". We're getting a sort of assassin/rogue vibe from that.

Storm - This is pretty much the enchantment class with an emphasis on natural assaults that apply status impacts. So it's less about managing harm and more about setting up help for the group with buffs and debuffs. It's light on reinforcement, however, gives you a shield when you're noticeable all around. 

Anthem: Trailers

So the above one is the official trailer launched by anthem games four months earlier.

Recently Anthem released another gameplay where you get to know about the games features, story. 

Anthem: Latest News

Anthem's creative chief, Jonathan Warner, has uncovered that Bioware is getting a charge out of taking a shot at gameplay over the account 

"It's critical to us that we make immersive universes, where you can have the friendship, and where you get the chance to be the hero of your own story," he told the magazine. 

"I think those components are especially unblemished with Anthem. We're adding things to it, we're including these fascinating social narrating components to it. Yet, those minutes, that camaraderie and solid characters, those are particularly there."

Drew Karpyshyn's Departs from BioWare: 

BioWare lead author and long-lasting veteran of the advancement studio, Drew Karpyshyn, has declared his takeoff from BioWare by and by. 

The exceptionally respected author has left to center around different activities for the studio Fogbank Entertainment. 

"Please don't email me asking for more information about why I'm leaving – there is no dirty laundry I'm just waiting to air," composed Karpyshyn in a blog. "And please don't ask about any BioWare projects I've been working on – just because I've left BioWare doesn't mean I'm going to start blabbing all their secrets."

16 feb 2020

almanya iç mimar iş ilanları

iş hayatınızda bir sonraki adımı edinebilmek amacıyla çevrimiçi olarak onbinlerce işi arayabilirsiniz. iş ilanı bulma araçları, özgeçmişler, firma bilgileri ve daha fazlasıyla, her adımda sizinleyiz. bu site meslek imkanları ve fikirleri için en bilindik kaynaktır. kariyer kaynaklarına, kişiselleştirilmiş ücret araçlarına ve fikirlere ulaşın. Hayalinizdeki işi şimdi bulun! sitemiz iş ve iş fırsatları için kaynağınızdır. İş ilanı arayın, sitemizin iş personellerinden iş tavsiyesi alın ve işe alım önerileri bulun. sitede yurt üzerinde meslek olanakları bulun. İş kategorisi, il - ilçe, işveren ve daha fazlasına göre göz atın. CVnizi yollayın. Başlangıç seviyesinden yönetici rollerine kadar ülkedeki tüm yeni işleri bulun. Konuma, tüketicilere veya firmaya göre bulun. Size uygun doğru işi listeleyin ve bir iş edinin. sitemiz meslek bulma motorunu kullanarak bölgenizde meslek elemanı arayan işleri bulun - meslek bulmanın en kolay yöntemi. Size en yakın meslek edinebilmek ve sadece bir tıklama ile başvurun. Şehrinizdeki bulunan şirketler sebebi ile eklenen en son meslek ilanlarını listeleyin ve inceleyin. İş bulma sayfamız üstünden doğrudan ilan sahipleriyle konuşun. alttaki bağlantılarla meslek bulma konusu için bilgi edinin. Web de binlerce meslek motoru var, lakin en hızlı iş kurulları ve meslek bulma siteleri, kullanması problemlidir, hızlı ve kolay yöntemlere şimdi erişin.
almanya iç mimar iş ilanları konusunda ve yurtdışı iş ilanları ile ilgili buradan bilgi alabilirsiniz. UdW0qkAj5v

14 feb 2020

Brave Browser voted the best privacy-focused product of 2019

Out of all the privacy-focused products and apps available on the market, Brave has been voted the best. Other winners of Product Hunt's Golden Kitty awards showed that there was a huge interest in privacy-enhancing products and apps such as chats, maps, and other collaboration tools.

An extremely productive year for Brave

Last year has been a pivotal one for the crypto industry, but few companies managed to see the kind of success Brave did. Almost every day of the year has been packed witch action, as the company managed to officially launch its browser, get its Basic Attention Token out, and onboard hundreds of thousands of verified publishers on its rewards platform.

Luckily, the effort Brave has been putting into its product hasn't gone unnoticed.

The company's revolutionary browser has been voted the best privacy-focused product of 2019, for which it received a Golden Kitty award. The awards, hosted by Product Hunt, were given to the most popular products across 23 different product categories.

Ryan Hoover, the founder of Product Hunt said:

"Our annual Golden Kitty awards celebrate all the great products that makers have launched throughout the year"

Brave's win is important for the company—with this year seeing the most user votes ever, it's a clear indicator of the browser's rapidly rising popularity.

Privacy and blockchain are the strongest forces in tech right now

If reaching 10 million monthly active users in December was Brave's crown achievement, then the Product Hunt award was the cherry on top.

The recognition Brave got from Product Hunt users shows that a market for privacy-focused apps is thriving. All of the apps and products that got a Golden Kitty award from Product Hunt users focused heavily on data protection. Everything from automatic investment apps and remote collaboration tools to smart home products emphasized their privacy.

AI and machine learning rose as another note-worthy trend, but blockchain seemed to be the most dominating force in app development. Blockchain-based messaging apps and maps were hugely popular with Product Hunt users, who seem to value innovation and security.

For those users, Brave is a perfect platform. The company's research and development team has recently debuted its privacy-preserving distributed VPN, which could potentially bring even more security to the user than its already existing Tor extension.

Brave's effort to revolutionize the advertising industry has also been recognized by some of the biggest names in publishing—major publications such as The Washington Post, The Guardian, NDTV, NPR, and Qz have all joined the platform. Some of the highest-ranking websites in the world, including Wikipedia, WikiHow, Vimeo, Internet Archive, and DuckDuckGo, are also among Brave's 390,000 verified publishers.

Earn Basic Attention Token (BAT) with Brave Web Browser

Try Brave Browser

Get $5 in free BAT to donate to the websites of your choice.

8 feb 2020

isviçre iş ilanları facebook

iş hayatınızda bir sonraki adımı edinebilmek amacıyla çevrimiçi olarak onbinlerce ilanı arayabilirsiniz. ilan bulma motoru, cv ler, şirket bilgileri ve daha fazlasıyla, her süreçte sizinleyiz. bu site iş imkanları ve önerileri için en bilindik kaynaktır. kariyer kaynaklarına, kişiselleştirilmiş kazanç araçlarına ve fikirlere ulaşın. İstediğiniz işi şimdi bulun! sitemiz iş ve iş imkanları için kaynağınızdır. İş bakın, sitemizin meslek personellerinden kariyer önerisi alın ve işe alım teklifleri bulun. sitede Türkiye üzerinde meslek fırsatları arayın. Meslek kategorisi, il - ilçe, işveren ve daha fazlasına göre arama yapın. CVnizi gönderin. Başlangıç mertebesinden CEO rollerine kadar yurttaki tüm güncel işleri listeleyin. Şehre, piyasaya yada kuruma göre listeleyin. Size uygun doğru işi görün ve bir iş oluşturun. sitemiz meslek arama sayfasını kullanarak alanlarınızda meslek çalışanı araştıran işleri bulun - iş bulmanın en efektif yolu. Size en yakın meslek bulabilmek ve yalnız bir adımda başvurun. Çevrenizdeki bulunan firmalar tarafından yayınlanan en yeni iş ilanlarını bulun ve göz atın. İş inceleme motoru üzerinden direkt ilan sahipleriyle bağlantı kurun. alttaki linklerle meslek arama konusunda fikir alın. İnternette yüzlerce iş sayfası var, fakat en iyi meslek işletmeleri ve iş arama siteleri, kullanmak zordur, hızlı ve basit araçlara şimdi ulaşın.
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iş hayatınızda bir sonraki adımı edinebilmek için çevrimiçi olarak binlerce işi bulabilirsiniz. ilan arama yöntemleri, özgeçmişler, işletme incelemeleri ve diğer bilgilerle, her süreçte yanınızdayız. bu site iş imkanları ve fikirleri için en güvenilir kaynaktır. kariyer kaynaklarına, kişiselleştirilmiş ücret araçlarına ve fikirlere ulaşın. İstediğiniz işi şimdi bulun! sitemiz iş ve iş imkanları için kaynağınızdır. İş bakın, sitemizin meslek personellerinden kariyer tavsiyesi edinin ve işe alım önerileri bulun. sitede Türkiye genelinde meslek fırsatları tarayın. İş kategorisi, şehir, firma ve daha fazlasına göre göz atın. CVnizi gönderin. Başlangıç mertebesinden CEO rollerine kadar Türkiyedeki bütün güncel iş ilanlarını keşfedin. İle, sektöre ve ya şirkete göre listeleyin. Kendiniz için doğru işi listeleyin ve bir iş başlatın. sitemiz iş bulma sitesini kullanarak sahalarınızda meslek personeli arayan iş ilanlarını bulun - meslek edinmenin en efektif yöntemi. Size en yakın iş edinebilmek ve sadece 1 adımda ulaşın. Bölgenizdeki yakın kuruluşlar sebebi ile eklenen en güncel meslek ilanlarını arayın ve göz atın. İş bulma sayfamız üstünden direk ilan sahipleriyle iletişim kurun. alttaki bağlantılarla iş bulma meselesi için bilgilenin. İnternette onbinlerce iş motoru mevcut, fakat en hızlı meslek işletmeleri ve iş inceleme sayfaları, kullanması zordur, çabuk ve basit araçlara hemen ulaşın.
isviçre cenevre iş ilanları konusunda ve yurtdışı iş ilanları ile ilgili buradan bilgi alabilirsiniz. UdW0qkAj5v